creative. individually.
We offer tailor-made workshops for your employees with and without managerial responsibility.
Why workshops?
... to exchange experiences.
... to work intensively on practice-oriented topics.
... to strengthen the team.
Strengths workshop
We offer team workshops on the topic of 'strengthening strengths':
The 'Strengthening Strengths' Approach:
People are most successful and satisfied when they focus on their strengths and this is also true for teams. The driver for successful teams is a leadership that focuses on what comes easily to employees and promotes strengths-oriented cooperation.
The benefits for your employees
They will know what is behind the term 'strength' and why working with the strengths approach makes economic sense.
They will know their individual strengths profile and what it says about them.
They will develop plans on how to use their strengths in their daily work.
They will get to know the strengths of the other team members and be able to work together in a strengths-oriented way.
LIVing values.
We offer team workshops on the topic of 'values':
Why the topic of values?
Studies show that organisations that have a culture based on shared values outperform others. Such a culture sets the rules of the game for the community, helps to create a collaborative culture, and helps to survive a crisis and unforeseen events.
Corporate values can ensure the long-term success of the company.
The benefits for your employees
They will gain clarity about the terminology surrounding the topic of values and the influence of values on the success of the company.
They will actively exchange ideas with other participants in the company on the topic of values and their significance in small groups.
They will know their own values.
They will identify common company values/team values with the help of a creative team exercise.
They will develop a joint action plan for themselves and their team to use values as a compass for future actions and decisions.
management workshop
We offer team workshops on 'conflict management':
Why conflict management?
Conflicts in a company have a negative impact on the performance and health of the employees concerned. Therefore, conflicts should be tackled and solved at an early stage.
The benefits for your employees
They will know what a conflict is.
They will get to know the well-known approaches, models and methods of conflict management.
They will get to know many best and worst practice examples based on real conflicts.
They will actively exchange ideas with other participants from the company on the topic of conflict management in general and on concrete conflicts, and discuss them confidentially in small groups.
They will take away new impulses on how to solve conflicts for themselves and their teams.
They will apply the tools shown directly with the help of role play.
We offer team workshops on the topic of 'new work':
Why the topic of New Work?
New work: if not now, when?
The term 'new work' is on everyone's lips, but what does it really mean and how can I live 'new work' as an employee in my team? And can a company afford to do without 'new work' in this day and age?
The benefits for your employees
They will know what is behind the buzzword 'new work'.
They will hear personally from internal and external new work pioneers on how they have approached the topic so far and the obstacles they have overcome.
They will actively exchange ideas with other participants in the company on topics related to new work and discuss them in small groups.
They will take away new impulses on the topic of new work for themselves and their teams.
self - and Time
management workshop
We offer team workshops on the topic of 'self-and time management:
Why the topic of self and time-management?
Those who take the principles and methods of time management to heart and implement them will benefit from the following advantages:
Better overview of pending work.
Clear priorities so that nothing important is forgotten.
More free space for creativity and important tasks.
Personal and professional goals are better achieved.
Stress is reduced or avoided.
Thus more time for oneself.
The benefits for your employees
They will learn the familiar approaches, models and methods of self- and time management.
They will create an activity log and analyse their current self- and time management.
They will reflect on their inner drivers and the effects of these on their self- and time management.
They will learn to implement behavioural changes and reprogram the brain.
They will learn many tips and tricks that can be applied directly.
management workshops
accompany change.
We offer team workshops on the topic of 'change management':
Why change management?
In today's world, where everything is in a constant state of change, it is important to win employees over to change projects. They should be supported in shaping change projects and in following the path of change.
The following four topics illustrate why projects fail:
Resistance from managers and employees
Lack of project management
Too fast a pace of change
Unclear objectives and vision
The main reason for the resistance of some managers is the fear of losing influence and status. Resistance on the part of employees is due to their feeling that they are not being sufficiently accompanied emotionally when it comes to the change.
Only the holistic accompaniment of the change with targeted consideration of the known reasons for failure can lead the change project to success.
The benefits for your employees
They will know what is behind the term 'change management'.
They will get to know the well-known change approaches, models and methods.
They will get to know many best and worst practice examples from real customer projects.
They will actively exchange ideas with other participants from the company on the topic of change management in general, current change projects and concrete challenges, and discuss them in small groups.
They will take away new impulses on the topic of change management for themselves and their teams.
They will apply the tools shown directly.
Honest. Clear.
We offer team workshops on the topic of 'feedback':
Why the topic of feedback?
Why is it important to give and receive constructive, critical but also positive feedback? There are numerous reasons for this:
Clarify goals and expectations: feedback allows expectations and goals to be discussed and defined together.
Clarify external perceptions: feedback helps us to learn more about our so-called ‘blind spots’ (Johari windows).
Giving and strengthening security: feedback provides information about whether tasks have been completed correctly and where there is still room for improvement.
Increase motivation: both positive and (constructive) critical feedback are a sign of appreciation of the work and increase motivation.
Avoiding misunderstandings: unnecessary misunderstandings can be avoided through regular feedback.
Encourage positive behaviour: feedback in the form of praise and recognition enables employees to recognise their strengths, build on them and learn from mistakes.
Strengthen trust: feedback in both directions strengthens trust and builds a positive relationship.
Create a positive climate: feedback can create more trust and transparency of requirements, which leads to an overall improvement in the working and team climate.
The benefits for your employees
They will gain clarity about the terminology surrounding the topic of feedback.
They will become aware of the importance of feedback for their personal development and the success of the company.
They will actively exchange ideas with other participants in the company on the topic of feedback and discuss the existing feedback culture in small groups.
They will understand the connection between their own childhood and cultural background and their approach to feedback.
They will learn how other companies have approached the topic of feedback and what changes have taken place since then. 
They will develop their own understanding of feedback and derive common feedback rules.
They will know methods for giving constructive critical feedback and be able to apply them.
They will discuss what influence different cultures have on the feedback culture in their organisation/team.
They will develop a joint action plan for themselves and their team to strengthen the feedback culture.
high-performing team workshop
promote teams.
We offer team workshops to establish 'high performing teams':
Why does a high performing team make the difference?
Today's working world is dominated by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). In 2023, this picture can be more than confirmed: a pandemic including compulsory home office, the return to the office, hybrid ways of working, a war of aggression in Europe, and the energy crisis keep us humans and the working world on our toes. The (working) world is undergoing drastic change and presents companies and employees with the challenge of adapting to new circumstances. One approach to a company's success is the development of a high performing culture. With our workshop format, we focus on the development of high performing teams.
The benefits for your employees
They will gain clarity about the terminology around the topic of high performing teams and their influence on personal development and company success. 
They will actively exchange ideas with other participants from the company/team on topics related to high performing teams and discuss them in small groups. 
They will learn how other companies/teams have approached the topic of high performing teams and what changes have taken place since then. 
They will develop their own goals and guiding principles.
SUCCESSFULly Presenting.
We offer team workshops on the topic of 'storytelling':
Why does storytelling make the difference?
As humans, we rarely manage to look at things separately because we think in stories in our heads. Our brain is a media library. When we experience something, we don't always get every single content detail stored. This is why we fill the gaps with our experiences and feelings. Because stories ...
... activate many more regions in the brain than simple information.
... lend meaning and significance to an issue.
... involve the listener and make him/her think and feel along with the story.
... establish a personal connection.
... arouse emotions.
... entertain.
... remain longer and easier in the memory.
... are more likely to be retold/shared.
... have a lasting effect and can therefore motivate the audience to do something.
Really good storytellers are people who will always be remembered. They are the best teachers, mentors and influencers.
The benefits for your employees
They will gain clarity about the terms used in storytelling.
They will become aware of the importance of storytelling for presenting themselves.
They will know how to structure and present a story in a goal-oriented way.
They will actively exchange ideas with other participants in the company on the subject of storytelling.
They will learn how other personalities have internalised the topic of storytelling and see best practices.
They will develop their own story and test it directly in front of a (professional) audience.
They will develop their own action plan to integrate storytelling into their everyday lives.