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investment in YOURSELF



Do you feel the same way? Do you go to work every day and are not really satisfied with your professional existence? Do you notice that you are not able to use or show your full potential?


Invest in your most important resource, invest in your employees.   

Through our personality-oriented coaching approach, you support your employees in optimally contributing their individual strengths and talents.  

This can have a variety of reasons. The wrong job, the unsuitable employer, the boss you don't get along with, inner blockages or maybe you just don't really know what the problem is.

You spend more than 50,000 hours of your life at your workplace. Far too many hours to just get through it every day. Your professional life is full of options. Be it a big change, such as a reorientation, a change of company, planning career steps within the company or the dissolution of hindering patterns and blockages. ​​ Take the first step towards professional satisfaction now and take control of your life. It is worth it! Together we can actively approach your career change.




 Every person has a multitude of unused potential within them that is just waiting to be developed. The key: unlocking skills, breaking down blockages and using unique talents.




  • How and where do I find professional satisfaction?

  • What should my next career steps look like?

  • How can I achieve the promotion I want?

  • Do I want to become a manager or remain a specialist?

  • How can I position myself authentically and convince people with my strengths?

  • How can I better balance work and family?



  • How can I overcome hindering patterns?

  • How can I appear more confident and show my strengths?

  • How can I escape the hamster wheel and finally take more time for myself?

  • How can I deal better with a colleague/my boss? ​



  • How and where do I find professional satisfaction?

  • How do I find out which job is really a good fit for me?

  • Can I be happier in my current company? And how?

  • Am I ready to change companies?

  • How do I find a company that suits me?

  • How do I manage to leave my company?

  • How can I prepare and take the leap into self-employment?

Coaching FOR


ORIENTATION. NEW Satisfaction.

For us, business coaching is a solution-oriented process that is helpful when you are facing professional challenges and making decisions. 


You are the focus and decide which issues you want to address. In a protected space you can use the time to deal intensively with your topics. Using systemic questioning techniques, methods and targeted interventions, we develop your optimal solution strategy step by step. We guarantee a pragmatic and solution-oriented approach. 


In career counseling, we use additional tools to specifically address career issues such as reorientation. This also includes topics such as application management or outplacement consulting. 

How does coaching work?

1. Non-binding, introductory telephone conversation  

In a free preliminary call, we discuss your desired coaching results and how to proceed. You will get a first impression of the coach and we will both get an idea of how well we fit as coach & coachee. This telephone conversation takes about 20-30 minutes.  


2. Clarification of your request and target definition  

We look at your initial situation and discuss your concern in more detail. We define your goals for coaching and prioritize them so that we have developed a rough coaching plan. We then begin working on your current concern.  


3. The coaching itself  

Using proven discussion techniques and methods, we guide you step by step towards your individual solution - this is where we work together to develop your implementation plan. A detailed progress review takes place at the beginning of each coaching session. After the coaching session, you will receive a coaching protocol to reflect on our session. These personal sessions last between 1.5 - 2 hours.  


4. Final meeting  

When you have achieved your goal, our final meeting takes place. We will look at the result of our collaboration, you will receive personal feedback from us and we will determine the next steps for the sustainable implementation of your goals.  


5. Duration  

The time frame for the coaching process is individual and very dependent on the topics. Sometimes one conversation is enough, although typically 5-7 sessions are required to get to your goals. 

The duration of a session is 1.5 - 2 hours. The individual coaching sessions take place in Hamburg-Winterhude or Berlin-Charlottenburg. If needed, we can also talk or phone via skype/zoom/teams. 


6. Costs  

The costs differ for individuals and companies and are calculated per 60 minutes. We will be happy to inform you of the costs in a non-binding initial consultation. 

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