What are values?
The word 'value' comes from the Germanic 'werþa' = 'value' or 'precious' and is related to the Germanic 'werþan' = 'to become'. It refers to qualities that are important to us or ideals we wish to follow.
'Values' are reflected in an individual's behavior subconsciously and provide a compass for guidance in daily decision-making and actions.
Corporate values can ensure the long-term success of a company. They establish rules for the community and help create a shared culture.

values workshop
Why Values?
​Values are the anchor that helps us navigate crises and unforeseen events. They guide our actions, enabling us to make quick decisions, achieve goals, and experience a sense of purpose. Without knowing our top three personal values, we risk making decisions that don't align with them, leading to dissatisfaction. To live a life by our own rules, we must understand our personal values
Values are also crucial for organizations. Studies show that companies with a culture based on shared values outperform others in several ways:
Their revenues grow faster.
They have a higher rate of job creation.
Their stock values increase significantly.
Their profitability is markedly higher.
What We Offer
In our Values Workshop, participants will explore the concept of 'values' and how they impact organizational success.
They will identify their personal values and reflect on how these have served as a compass in their decision-making and actions.
Through a team exercise, existing company or team values will be identified, and discussions will focus on which additional values might be needed for success.
At the end of the workshop, participants will integrate the learned theoretical and practical knowledge into a joint action plan.
How the Values Workshop Works
Preparation (approx. 2 weeks prior):
Survey participants on the values they perceive in the company and team, and the examples that illustrate these values.
Team Workshop:
Explanation of the term 'values' and their significance for organizational success (theory).
Impulse lecture on practical experiences with values and their impact in the business context.
Identification of personal values through individual work, including reflection on how these values serve as a compass for decision-making and actions.
Provision of tools for incorporating values into daily work.
Direct application of theoretical and practical knowledge through the development of a joint action plan to integrate team values into daily work.
Summary of workshop content (Reading-Box).
Distribution of tasks and exercises to deepen the learning.
How Your Employees Will Benefit
Gain clarity on the concept of 'values' and their impact on organizational success.
Engage in active discussions with other participants about the significance of values and share perspectives in small groups.
Understand their own values.
Learn from other companies' approaches to values and the resulting changes.
Identify shared company or team values through creative team exercises.
Develop a joint action plan to use values as a compass for future actions and decisions.